
Showing posts from April, 2020

A Filthy Race to be Superpower!

Amid the pandemic of   COVID19 , the   irresponsible   activity of   China   and the   USA   would more harmful to the world. Resolve controversies through responsible dialogue. After the COVID-19 pandemics of amid the fast-growing infection, gossips are running mouth to ear that the global power equation really will be going to change.    The curiosity is rising with different angles of view in the world. Most of the people have been continuously heard and looking the USA as a strong unilateral superpower of the world for decades ago, especially after the downfall of the USSR. Consequently, the US was effectively intervention as per its interest in almost the world. It is an open fact that each people of the world is living this time in the panic of pandemics. A large number of world-population is confined itself within the periphery of lockdown as the measure of self saving from COVID-19 infection. It is human nature to alive and happy. The economies of powerful

A Plan for Returnees from Foreign Employment in Nepal

The   economy   of   Nepal   has been running on a single leg of   remittance   for the last three decades. It lost 145 billion rupee remittance this year. The future is also not looking good caused by COVID-19 pandemics. Nepal must choose to call back youths in   foreign   employment . It would be a big game-changer for the country.  In 1980 around 90 percent of people were dependent on agriculture and the Nepali economy was stood on the base of agriculture, and was a major contributor to the economy. Only about 20 percent of the total arable land was in use at that time. The agricultural sector was contributing about 60 percent in GDP and 75 percent in export.  It is a short economic glimpse of four decades ago of Nepal four decades ago. The contribution of agriculture in GDP is decreased to 30 percent in the past forty years.  In the forty years, the scene of the Nepali economy has changed completely. According to government sources 2, 36,208 youths we

The Time to Revive the Rural Economy of Nepal

Tens of thousands of Nepal i youths are working as a low grade in Gulf countries are in pressure from COVID-19 pandemics. Nepal should engage them to revive the rural agricultural economy is the right direction.        The world is terrified of the human disaster caused by COVID-19 this time. More than 2, 182, 82 3 people are infected and 145,551 have died around the world so far. The pandemic is not only affecting human life but also pushing the world toward a serious economic crisis. After, if the pandemic comes under control, the world will be suffering for a long time from great economic problems. In this situation, superpowers will be running to protect their interests but poor countries will be in a serious financial crisis. Their already weak economy would be collapsed during the anti-COVID-19 Lockdown. Nepal also will be in the row of these poor countries. It will be a bitter reality.   The rural economy of Nepal was dependent on traditional agriculture is about to

Indian Anti Muslim Mission Media Targets Nepal among Corona Crisis

The culprit should be punished but the punishment to innocents on the name of religion, caste, and color is a crime against human beings. The mainstream Hindu fundamentalist  anti-Muslim  media of India destroying the social structure.         Just after, I had written my previous episode for this site on anti -Muslim hypocrisy that is running in India and I open my Television with a relaxing mind. But the channel was trying to excavate another similar new issue and dyeing it in the color of anti-Muslim sense.   Really I felt a shake for another episode of nonsense. The television was showing that a man of Nepal has sent about fifty corona positive Muslim cadres in Bihar. The anchor of the channel is quoting a secret letter submitted by the SSB is saying the corona patients belong to the Muslim community were ready to enter India under a plan. A man from Nepal named Jalim Mukhya is the plotter of this mission against India   Mukhiya is the chief of the local developmen

SOUTH ASIA : Muslimphobia Floats on Indian surface

  Hindu Muslim controversy is not fruitful for India. Anyone who is thinking in this dilemma, he is not going to fight against real problem but going to fight the shadow of problem.                Last Sunday, I was going outside of the home amid an ongoing state lockdown to prevent the infection of the coronavirus, to buy some vegetables from the nearest market. A policeman standing on the roadside points me with his baton and warns me not to touch others and not waste more than ten minutes in the market. I saw there only a few people were in the market and they were all cover their lower face with the mask. Just after the shopping I suddenly meet a friend Arjun there. After the exit, he told me about the incident of Nizamuddin Markaz of New Delhi, which is locally known as Banglewali Maszid. He did not express his conclusion on the base of humanity but on religion. I think, he was convinced that the participants in that religious gathering were intentionally viol


Nepal is in lockdown to defend the pandemics of Corona . It is time for doing good to check pandemics for all. So, people also should obey all measures of precautions.     After being two-month-long stability the first stage of corona infection, Nepal has entered the second stage that is the stage before the community infection of coronavirus. In total nine people infected so far in Nepal, the first case was identified on 15 February. The hope to check in the first stage is become fade is unlucky for Nepal. Among 9 cases one has already got well as cured.  The meaning of the second stage is the risk of infection is growing a little high, although, the situation is not still out of control. Nepal had not any other option beyond the lockdown of the country and declares it on 24 March. It was a hard decision but also a compulsory step for a small and poor country to protect the people from the corona. The brightness of the hues of lives is seen fade

CORONA Pandemics:Time To Seriously Participate Together

The world is under serious corona pandemics threat that is why China, the USA and the rest of countries and every Individual should be contributed to defeat pandemics.                                   . COVID- 19 pandemics is pushing human beings to the ditch of serious problems. Thousands of people have died so far and it is still going on. The superpower countries and their technologies are about failing to control it till now when I'm sitting to writing this story. I am hearing and feeling the panic sounds of cries of who are fighting against coronavirus on the beds and fear of those who are in confined, the helpless from pandemics. Though the scientists and powerful authorities are trying to assure people for the life they are not successful to hide their failure. They are continuously distributing hope among people. Overall the media of the world is showing this horror and panic picture. I often think that the growing deteriorating global environment may be a