SOUTH ASIA : Muslimphobia Floats on Indian surface

 Hindu Muslim controversy is not fruitful for India. Anyone who is thinking in this dilemma, he is not going to fight against real problem but going to fight the shadow of problem.

  Last Sunday, I was going outside of the home amid an ongoing state lockdown to prevent the infection of the coronavirus, to buy some vegetables from the nearest market. A policeman standing on the roadside points me with his baton and warns me not to touch others and not waste more than ten minutes in the market. I saw there only a few people were in the market and they were all cover their lower face with the mask. Just after the shopping I suddenly meet a friend Arjun there. After the exit, he told me about the incident of Nizamuddin Markaz of New Delhi, which is locally known as Banglewali Maszid.

He did not express his conclusion on the base of humanity but on religion. I think, he was convinced that the participants in that religious gathering were intentionally violating the rules of lockdown against the pandemics. With an extraordinary notion in the face, he further said that they are the agents of terrorism and they were hidden in Markaz to harm India. He continued, they were the bearer of coronavirus under conspiracy against India. After returning home, my mind was surrounded amid various questions. 

I also have been following the issue in Indian television and other social media for the last few weeks but I so sad to say that most of the information are sensational and provocative rather than reality. It is only my observation. I am neither a judge to declare judgment nor police to investigate the issue. Some people like Arjun are publicly saying one-sided thoughts without searching the reality. Not only a few mainstream TV channels but social media are promoting some fake news under a mission. I have read yesterday the fake news against Muslim community was denied by the Uttarpradesh Police. The viral fake news is the major problem to maintain law and order for state police now. The administration is informing people not to believe on fake news. It is not a simple issue or not an act of revenge or joke.

Religion, tribe, and caste are sensitive issues that always led common people toward hard sensations, so the religious sense also never calculated in facts. Such a situation socially harmful to a multi-religious country.

In the twin tower tragic incident on 1 September 2001, of America was Muslim youths of al Qaeda were involved. After the incident, the USA launched anti-Muslim action in the world. Not only the USA but also many other countries of the world are suffering from different types of incidents of Muslim involvement. If we see the past, in the cold war era, the USA provokes some Muslim warlords of Pakistan and Afghanistan against the then USSR. Muslim populated Middle East region was also dominated by Americans to its crude oil diplomacy.

With time these protected armed groups of the USA became the major obstacle on the way of the US interest. It is the turning point where the USA and Muslim militant groups became enemies to each other.

 All Muslims identified as a terrorist. This is a very wrong perception. Apart from the religious-based thought, I have seen or heard a large population of the world is living under the poverty line. In this helpless human crowd also shares a remarkable number of Muslims. It is unjust to treat them as a religious terrorist. Terrorism is a great problem for the contemporary world, and it is a necessity to curb them. The punishment of a few Muslim criminals should not cover the whole Muslim community.

 There some different additional complex situations in the context of India. The partition of India and Pakistan was based on religion but the then leadership of India was not in favor of this partition. However, it became compulsory due to a few Muslim leaders. The large share of the Muslim community was not in favor of religion-based partition, and not went to a so-called Muslim land. They chose to stay in India; this became the main character of secular India. Now Hindu fundamentalist sentiment is growing stronger than ever. 

It is a hard time for India that national thought in divided into Hindu and secularism. The conflict is floating on the surface now. The power backed force is launching its activities as a mission which we can see now.  The Indian mainstream media is in front line now. I do not know that am in a right stand of thought but now I am remembering Arjun for his concern on India.    




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