A Filthy Race to be Superpower!

Amid the pandemic of COVID19, the irresponsible activity of China and the USA would more harmful to the world. Resolve controversies through responsible dialogue.

After the COVID-19 pandemics of amid the fast-growing infection, gossips are running mouth to ear that the global power equation really will be going to change.  The curiosity is rising with different angles of view in the world. Most of the people have been continuously heard and looking the USA as a strong unilateral superpower of the world for decades ago, especially after the downfall of the USSR. Consequently, the US was effectively intervention as per its interest in almost the world.

It is an open fact that each people of the world is living this time in the panic of pandemics. A large number of world-population is confined itself within the periphery of lockdown as the measure of self saving from COVID-19 infection. It is human nature to alive and happy.

The economies of powerful countries are getting down and the economy of poor countries is about to be on the ground. Tens of thousands of people are losing jobs and struggling not only against COVID19 but also starving in the same front. WTO economists believe the post pandemics world trade will decline more of the financial crises of 2008-2009.  Production and supplies are about stopped due to the lockdown. The scenario of forthcoming days is showing very gloomy or awful.
In the situation, it is not deniable that the power- equation may change after the COVID19 pandemic. The pandemic affected sick- the economy will be the only entry gate for power conflict but it will take time for results. It is doubt the competition will be on the basis of morality. The wrong or right competition will in relatively between most powerful countries. But the economically poor and weak power countries may be used as the battlefield.

 The first phase of the competition will be on economic supremacy if the phase fails to determine, probably the second phase would be competing with arms and ammunition. This is the unclear horrific picture of the near future. But the time is not to be pessimist, because the flowers of hope are not faded. Except for a few selfish elements everybody wants the save of life and everyone knows the irrational conflict is not in favor of peace and prosperity for the human being.

USA and China are two major competitors for the last decade in the international power arena. The USA does not want to lose its grip on the world, on the other hand emerging China ambitiously coming through the economic strength in the world. The pilots of the two countries are Donald Trump and Xi Jinping of the US and China respectively at this time.
 Most of the European countries have been working together for their common interests under the umbrella of the USA, especially in international policy. India, Japan, Australia, and some countries of West -Asia are also in a soft type of alliance of Washington. India and Japan is representing US interests to barring the expansion of China especially in Asia around china.

China is not as the time of Mao and Deng; it has made a paradigm shift in economic development. After the Xi, Beijing wants to expanse in the world, especially, in the economic sector to gain popularity among developing and under-developing countries at this time. Beijing relatively seems in silence, soft and sharp diplomacy. That is why the US alliance always looking in attention and believes that China is developing a worldwide network to be a superpower not only economy but also in arm and ammunition would be creating a problem of security for them in the future.

   Mr. Trump has been seemingly not concentrating on the serious or foresight diplomacy after coming to Whitehouse through a populist wave in the election. Political critics accusing him that “American first” policy more or less always draws him within America and not dealing adequately with handling the rest world. That is why traditional American diplomatic columns outside are becoming weak. However, it is not meaning that the USA is not in strength at this time or became very weak
 In the meantime, COVID-19 pandemic starts hitting the world and more than 200000 people have died, start from Wuhan, a city of China in the last of 2019. The USA is the most affected by pandemics where China is recovering and rapidly involving refreshing the economy. Beijing is supporting other countries with kits and other protective types of equipment of COVID-19 in very shortage at this time.
         The direction of the conflict between the USA and China is centered on the origin and handling of the COVID19 pandemic this time. Washington accusing China as a culprit of the pandemic and saying that it should compensate the world losses, but there is no possibility to produce proof without any trust-able investigation. Allies of the US are also raising voices against China. UN and WHO is also accused of supporting Beijing. But China is denying any claims and only verbal war is going through the media.

Recently, China and the USA increasing to provoke each other through their marine force in the sensitive sea area of southeastern Asia is not good news for human beings especially the natural plight of COVID19. This type of filthy competition is leading to a doubt that the ongoing conflict may convert into a war. Ultimately there is not any other good alternative of peace and work together.  


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