CORONA Pandemics:Time To Seriously Participate Together

The world is under serious corona pandemics threat that is why China, the USA and the rest of countries and every Individual should be contributed to defeat pandemics.                                  

.COVID- 19 pandemics is pushing human beings to the ditch of serious problems. Thousands of people have died so far and it is still going on. The superpower countries and their technologies are about failing to control it till now when I'm sitting to writing this story. I am hearing and feeling the panic sounds of cries of who are fighting against coronavirus on the beds and fear of those who are in confined, the helpless from pandemics. Though the scientists and powerful authorities are trying to assure people for the life they are not successful to hide their failure. They are continuously distributing hope among people. Overall the media of the world is showing this horror and panic picture.

I often think that the growing deteriorating global environment may be a major cause of the coronavirus. But some arguments are coming from traditional anti -china camps that the coronavirus is developed in laboratories for biological weapons. America and China are accusing
each other of this misdeed but they both have no proof to show the world so far. This type of suspect should not be unsolved for a long time. Such issues should not be used as a strategic benefit.

China is one of the main contributors to global pollutions because it has a production-based economy that depends on industries. From industrial emission of Co2 and other gases that cause global heating.  This problem is hitting the world and all of the natural activities are also badly affecting. Consequently, human life is facing risk. In this situation, the origination of the fatal Coronavirus becomes suspicious. Corona pandemics suddenly started in Wuhan, China on last December. I have seen various unproven news and information that accusing China mishandling of misinformed the world about the origination of corona. I have not any intention to blame only China but all of the developed countries are also responsible for global warming and pollution. I think that the corona case is more or less closely related to global pollution and warming.
 I, as a layman, have a deep concern about the ongoing deadly coronavirus and I want to see the corona free world as soon as possible. This suddenly spread from China and this is only my concern. There are some informal notices that the Chinese food habit is the cause to come out corona infection into mankind. Especially the seafood market of Wuhan was a medium for that.  That is why I feel the responsibility of china to clear about the origination of the virus. If China is not capable to find the fact, she should take the help of international experts that finding facts will be helpful to prevent corona in the future also.  It will be the right step on behalf of China and human beings. 

   I know that any disease does not respect any border of country, caste, and community. Some sources are not accepting this and baselessly raising the question on the intention of China. This a serious time for all and seriously working together.            


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