Nepal: Non-Principle Deadly Internal Confrontation is Destroying the Nepali Communist Movement.

In Nepal, Communists are trapped in a deadly internal clash based on post, power and ego. They have lost the ethics of Marxism. Communist are popular among the People in Nepal and it was an example for the contemporary world but they totally failed to respect people's support. Likewise, leftist forces are grounded in the Indian election of the West Bengal election. Ultimately the communist movement is in a decreasing mood in South Asia.      

Being even holding near the two-thirds majority in the general election, the then Communist Party of Nepal could not give a stable comfortable government for five years due to faction-tussle in the party. Prime Minister Oli has dissolved the House of Representatives to counter the siege against him in his party. This step did not give a solution for him. The Supreme Court denied the dissolution, and the House of Representative retained again against PM's step on 23rd of February. On the 7th of March, the Supreme Court's other verdict on a long-running legal issue to the registration of the Nepal Communist Party was lead to the rejection of that party. These decisions of the court unexpectedly changed the political scenario of this South Asian Himalayan newly republic country.
 For the House dissolution, PM Oli accused as the regressor, autocrat and a violator of the Constitution. He was mostly in target by his party leaders rather than other opposition parties. The deadly inner-party feud based merely on the power-sharing between the factions. There was not any cause of principle and morality. Before the legal rejection of the ruling Communist Party of Nepal; different factions were extra-active in the Party. Prachanda, a former Prime Minister and one of the existing Chairman of the ruling Communist Party; Madhav Nepal, former Prime Minister and Party's senior leader; Jhalanath Khanal, former Prime Minister; and Bamdev Gautam were leading different factions within the Party. Since last July, heavyweight leaders Jointly raised pressure to resign Oli from the Prime Ministership and chairmanship of the Party. After this point, the inner-party feud turned into a throat-cutting position. The inner-party battle is crossing the values of political morality and maturity. It was not like a political activity but anarchy.

 Amid the controversy, as the latest move, PM Oli is preparing to take confidence in Parliament on 10th July. Ultimately, he wants to identify rebel parliamentarians of his Party who still are against are loyal or not. If they are still not loyal to him and topple the government, it will be easy to shake them from the Party. PM Oli looking toward two targets through one shoot. He hopes that as the largest Party will be Prime Minister again.  Behind the centre politics, problems are spearing to the provinces too. In Karnali Province, rebel member of the assembly crossed the floor against the Party whip. Likewise, few members of Lumbini Province are leaving membership to topple their government.         

The second verdict of the court denied the legal status of the Nepal Communist Party, and Nepal Communist Party (United Marxist Leninist) and Maoist Centre revived at the place of Nepal Communist Party again that became a relief for PM Oli because Prachanda legally separated from the Oli as a leader of another Party Maoist Centre. Eventually, Madhav Nepal and Jhalanath Khanal are still struggling in Oli's CPN UML, but they are in strong relation to removing Oli agenda with MC so far. Madhav Nepal faction is in parallel activity outside of the UML Chairman Oli under the banner of the same Party. They are demanding to abolish all unilateral decisions done by the Oli in the Party. To this time, the ditch of controversy is going widening.  The UML establishment has suspended and asking clarification from some rebel leaders and members but three members of Karnali Province who crossed the floor, expelled.  The direction of anarchy formally going toward the split of UML.          

 With the dissolution of the Nepal Communist Party, droplets of the feud are not only affecting the ruling elite but other political parties also not remain untouched from the effect. Even the rebel faction within PM Oli's CPN(UML) is routinely engaged in parallel activities against him.  PM Oli is still not in a strong position. The inner part of the Party Madhav Nepal is the challenging Oli, likewise, Prachanda is looking for a chance to topple KP Oli from the government. PM Oli is in weak strength in the Parliament but his government is technically in existence now. Although being dissatisfied with the government,  It is a shocking fact that Prachanda still not daring to draw back his support to PM Oli government in Parliament. Probably he knows that it is a very hard and risky task to collect a majority to the table a no-confidence motion against Oli in parliament. 

 As part of the ongoing strategy, Madhav Nepal, who describes himself as an original NCP UML leader, and Maoist leader Prachanda are purportedly coercing an alliance with other parties to topple the Oli government. They have been knocking at the doors of the Nepali Congress and the Janata Samaj Party, but so far have failed to win trust as both parties have learned lessons from the unstable and beyond-belief character of the Maoist Center in the past. It may be that the history of the Maoist Center is currently chasing him or taking revenge on him. However, he is not giving up. Still, not getting Ollie removed is a big challenge for him. PM Oli is ready to go to parliament for seeking confidence, which is another unexpected step for Prachanda and Madhav. Oli is looking like a tactical player than his opponents in the contemporary political arena. His latest step is a sign of another strategic pawn for them.  Whether Oli wins or lost the confidence of parliament but he is dispatching business for Madhav and Prachanda.  Notwithstanding, Oli success to be PM again would be a loss for Prachanda and Madhav. In this battle of designation and ego, both are webbing a plan to final attack Oli.    

The Maoist Centre Chairman Prachanda is known as a mysterious leader in Nepali politics because it is difficult to understand what he is doing today and would do tomorrow.  The differences between Prachanda and Oli was the origination chapter of the recent feud. He cultivates a dream to enjoy power when he felt that the majority of the party is against Oli Prachanda start to exploit the situation against Oli. Prachanda was the Captain who plotted the recent confusion in Nepali Politics. The rebel leader of CPN (UML) Madhav Nepal was also a major column of Prachanda in the anti-Oli campaign in CPN. After the court retained dissolved the House of Representatives, they are demanding PM Oli,s resignation on moral grounds, but Prachanda does not withdraw his support for the Oli government. On the same basis, Oli is still enjoying a majority in parliament. It is not difficult to understand his plight as he has been asked to resign but not dare to withdraw his support.

Nepalese communist force always playing an important role in the People's movement since 1960. They actively involved to aware of nationality and sovereignty. Nepal is just starting the practice of the Federal Democratic Republic system. It is a time of sincerity for political leadership but they fail to do so.     


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