A Tribute to Swami Tarananda

 The teachings of Swami Tarananda will always inspire me to knew absolute salvation.

Brmhalin Swami 1008 Taranandaji

Today I am not sitting to write on usual matters of political, social, and diplomatic perspective as my routine. It is perhaps midnight and different waves of thought are storming my mind this time. I always have been sinking in the cosmic and social phenomena except for spiritual thinking or understandings. Immortality of soul, past, and post-life ever not the main concerns for me. I had lost the guardianship of my respected parents’ decade ago but not felt like this.

I suddenly learned from maternal brother Bishnu told me over the phone on 9th April that the Iswaranand Dhyana Ashram Peethadhish Shri 1008 swami Tarananda has fixed his own demise date for 15th April. I feel his voice was quivering deeply on the phone with me.  He further informed me to last talk with Swamiji in a phone to Galeswardham, Beni district in northern Nepal, before the 15 April. The country was in lockdown against COVID19 at the period, being very eager still, unfortunately, I could not go Galeswardham to take the last view of Swamiji.

I dial the phone at that day to Galeswardham. The Image of Swamiji with ochre dressed up was roaming in my mind. The phone call was received by the Swamiji. I greet heartily the saint, without any hesitation Swamiji identified my voice, and I was only ideally listening Swamiji’s last moral teachings and blessings to understand the perishable Panchamahabhuta and immortal soul. Swamiji was saying, “Chronic body (the structure of Panchamahabhuta) is not supporting with joyful nature of my soul therefore I decided to leave Panchamahabhuta." Swamiji chanted some mantras to blessing me, and the phone was dropped. Being in days long fasting I did not feel any weakness in Swamiji’s voice, was amazing. As a student of philosophy, I met many types of saints in the past, but it was my new experience in life. However, this incident did not leaved any option me to accept understand that Swamiji easily won the Death.

I belong to a confined or narrow family. Inherently, I am facing various difficulties for existence, but I never have any concern to spiritual side of thinking. My narrow surrounding always pushed me to be an atheist. Philosophically I belong to Marxist school of thought that always successfully guided me every painful turning of moral life but now I am questioning myself that really something missing in my life was?

I have recognized birth and death as the universal truth of compulsive reality of life, behind that; probably I was not aware because it was not accessible for me. I never have heeded except the social values and ethic till now.

I know him as an Uncle Tara Prasad in my early childhood at Parbat district of Nepal. He was very intimate with my maternal family. He was sober and dearest personality. I often saw him with my maternal uncles Dharma Dutta and Sadananda in metaphysical occasions. Many years later when I return from India to Pokhara, they were also in here.

Ultimately I seem that Swamiji left Panchamahabhuta at the fixed date and time in Galeswardham. According to our metaphysical cannons, Swamiji’s soul has merged into the almighty great soul of God. Warm regards to the great soul of Swamiji I will never see the physical aspects of Swamiji in future but memories will be remained green.


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