South Asia - Nepal Suffers in Inner-communist Rift

In the ruling Communist Party of Nepal, the dispute between them had crossed all the boundaries of principle and dignity. Filthy debates were not based on the common political ground but only to gain power and benefits. Consequently, some group lords are in trouble now. The effect is still seen after the dismissal of that party by the Supreme Court.

As the Communists theory, the political discipline must where capitalistic democracy is not accepted but after the downfall of the USSR, the world communist The movement went to defending position. Around this time, the leader of Nepal Communist Party, Madan Bhandari propounded a principle People’s Multiparty Democracy from the fifth convention of Nepal Communist Party of Unified Marxist and Leninist. The theory was a fusion of pluralism that opens the way to parliamentary democracy for communist goal. Exactly, that was like the thought of the Peaceful transformation of Khrushchev in the USSR after the Stalin era.

Nepal is in a political trap, when the Nepalese Supreme Court’s two decisions for establishment of the house of representative on February 23 that was on dissolute by Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli, and the second was on March 7 that abolish the ruling Communist Party Of Nepal respectively. Between the two legal verdicts Prime Minister KP Oli was accused as a leader of regression, pro-Monarchist, destroyer of federalism and autocratic and so on by his anti-groups of his own party and they called protest rallies and demand the PM’s resignation on the moral basis; over the country against their own Party’s government. Cordoned PM also tried to defend them in the same manner.  The party came in existence with the unification of two leading communist parties Nepal Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Marxist-Leninist) and Maoist Center, three years ago. Before the unification of the two parties, they jointly contested the parliamentary election and hold a strong majority. The government was formed under the leadership of one of the party chairman KP Sharma Oli.     

Intense disputes between the ruling Communist Party of Nepal have destabilized the country's political situation. The Communist Party of Nepal has been disbanded and returned to the two old tributary parties of CPN. While living in the CPN, Prime Minister KP Oli was not only ousted from the Party Chairman but also from the common of party membership by Prachanda and Madhav Nepal faction that brought a different situation with the re-established UML of the chairmanship of KP Oli. Madhav Nepal, a senior leader of the then UML party and his supporter members who shacked hands with Prachand, the chairman of the then Maoist Centre to kick out PM Oli are in trouble this time. They want a respectful entrance in UML but Chairman Oli asking them for repentance for their misdeeds of the past.

After the court’s decision of 7th March, the rebel group of UML was still knitting plan against own Chairman Oli with Maoist Center in Parisdanda, and call rounds of parallel meetings elsewhere without any consultation of the party. Likewise, Chairman Oli called the central committee meeting on March 12 and took some decisions. The committee formed a convening committee of the forthcoming party convention in December in Kathmandu. The rebel group is demanding the cancellation of the decisions of that meeting but Oli is strongly denying it and not ready to talk with and conditions with the rebel group but wants personally. It shows the intention that Oli wants to destroy the faction against him in the party. Among the confusion, the UML parliamentarian’s meeting was called on 25 March by PM Oli, at that day all the members of the Party except for Madhav Nepal and Bhim Rawal were present but rebel members were softly stood on their stance. Really the rebels are melting or acting under any strategy is not clear for now.    

Although there was controversy in the CPN, it became more acute, especially, when Nepal published its new map against Indian Interest, and the Nepali Parliament unanimously approved it. Most political analysts are unwilling to accept that the border dispute against India and inner-party dispute against one of the ruling party President and Prime Minister KP Oli were not coincidental.

When Nepal promulgated its New Constitution against Delhi’s suggestion, hot water poured on Nepal from Delhi. In the cost of disobedience, Nepal faced five months-long Indian hard economic blocked. At that time, KP Sharma Oli was the Prime Minister of Nepal and he not only strongly opposed the Indian misdeed but signed agreements to permanently solve such Indian blockades. However, these agreements are not translated on the ground so far. Mr Oli became the icon of Nepali nationalism at that time. He swiped further elections. More or less, his popularity is still seen in people. However, Oli is still surrounded by interests inside and outside of the country. Being in a great tussle, the Maoist Centre is not withdrawing its support to the government for now. If Maoist Center withdraws the support PM should find the support to stay in government. PM already said that he would be in opposition to whether anyone success to collect the majority.   


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