Mr. Trump Revived the Right Wing Politics In America

Many people are assuming that recently retired former US President Donald Trump is taking rest in his own residence at this time. But the reality is not the same. Another impeachment against him after his retirement in the Senate concerned him, but he was acquitted then. Sources pointed out that he is facing some economic crisis in business and also controversies in the family. 

Among the confusion and controversies,  finally, former US President Donald Trump left the White House on January 20 with his wife Melania, before one-hour of the inauguration of the newly elected President Joe Biden, after completing four years in office as the world's most powerful country. His entrance into the Whitehouse in January 2017 as the 45th President of the USA was very enthusiastic and curious. He managed to grab the attention of a class of American who had been feeling lonely for a long time. However, he did not make well use of those people's enthusiasm till the end of his term, but he tried to use the class to express his outrage at the defeat in the latest election in 2021. His entrance in Whitehouse was like a king-lion of a herd, but his exit was quite the opposite. He left the door of the office building with his wife and flew to Florida, his resort by helicopter at 8.20 AM. Unlike the trend, he denied joining the meeting but said in a short comment to the supporter that he would not live quietly but would come to them on different forums in the future, but he refuses to take any questions from the press. Even in the last, he did not accept the election result that was not in favour of Him.    

 He provoked supporters to attack the US Congress at the Capitol on 6th January 2021. Overall, five people died and more than seventeen were injured. The unprecedented outcry from his supporters in the Capitol building shows that a section of the people strongly considered him a leader. They have never believed that Mr Trump defeated in the election, rather he lost it through a grand conspiracy. 
Before the conclusion of the vote counting, Mr Trump declared the winner himself and claimed to halt the counting. He continuously claimed that he had the proofs of miscounting of votes against him, but did not show any proof. The poll authority did not hear the baseless argument. His accounts on Facebook and Twitter were banned for his provocative and harmful statements.

In various cases, he was surrounded by many controversies of his own made. He was a popular leader, but he is not treated fairly. The tide of the right-wing turned businessmen into politicians. He was an anarchist in practice, as well as a more self-centred adventurous politician. Diplomatically, he did not succeed as President of the United States. These were unexpected incidents for a world reputed for generous democracy based on capitalism.

Some people extremely comment that the apex of capitalism is going to be grounded. He promoted polarization in American society. 'American first' policy directly hurt immigrants. During the COVID-19 plight, there were communal riots against not only the Chinese but also many people of Asian descent. Gorge Floyd 46, an American black protestor who was brutally killed by police in May was cited as the Apartheid. He cultivated hate and intolerance in American society.
The credit of Mr Trump was destroyed because of the careless management of the COVID-19 pandemic. Millions of American lost their lives to this virus infection. The image of a well-equipped health system of the USA was totally failed. He personally avoids any protective measures for a long time, but he is also infected later. During the pandemic, he was mostly concentrated on the upcoming elections rather than on controlling the pandemic and extremely criticised Beijing for cash the people's sentiment in the election but not succeeded.

Mr Trump was a self-centred person that he often crosses his official's advice. He was not serious to handle media, time and again he expressed controversial statements. Consequently, he was always surrounded by controversies.

The United States has also been accused of weakening international influence during his tenure. In 2018, Mr Trump abandoned America from the Iranian nuclear deal. He did not conduct the check and balance steps in the trade dispute with China and adhered to an aggressive policy. His strategic plan to form a power block against China, especially in the Indo-Pacific region have not successful as estimated. Europe had been a strong supporter of America in trad and international strategic sectors, but, within the last four years, Chinese trade and investment are booming. China is increasing its presence in African countries too. Likewise, America not only withdrew its support of the World Health Organisation but also tried to shape a parallel organisation during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

 Ultimately, Mr Trump revives the sentiment of the irksome American class in the past four years. That is why the superpower country faced unexpected characters and events in these years that served Right-wing politics.                 




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