Taliban: The Time is Taking Revenge for Cruelties of Their Past?

  Buddhism is the glorious history of Afghanistan and the hybrid thought of regressive religious dogmatism and the intervention of superpowers is the bloody present of that land. Perhaps they are still not easily ready to remind the glorious past of peaceful land.


 After a long time of bloodshed in Afghanistan, the Kabul government and rebel Taliban are sitting in a negotiation talk for peaceful settlement in Doha from 12 September. How the USSR and USA did used them as chessmen to destroy the future of their Motherland? Are they really trying to repent of the violent past or still playing the role of chessmen of the USA in Doha?

During the talks in Doha Taliban has killed more than 30 security personnel in confrontation and a day after the incident 65 Taliban fighters have been killed in a retaliatory action of Afghan security forces. Rebels who were freed from the jails as a precondition of the ongoing talk were mostly involved in the attack. Probably, Taliban is probably trying to use Doha talk for strategic benefit. It is an unmatched assumption the war and talk is conducting parallel. The message of confrontations between two parties may negatively affect ongoing talks. Amid their differences the directions of the USA with its reservations is possible or not, the knot is tied here.

In the past, Pakistan played an important role in negotiating between the Taliban and the USA. It was also a compulsion of the USA. Without the active Participation of Islamabad it would not succeed to find a foundation of talk between them which also cleared the way of recent Doha talk between Taliban and Afghan government. Though, still there are some hurdles in the way.

Abdullah Abdullah, an Afghan politician who leads the High Council for National Reconciliation, recently in a three days trip in Pakistan to rebuild a strong peaceful tie. They have been in a cold relation for a long time in the past. It is also a remarkable strategic sign for that region.

                                        Glimpse of Painful History


In 2001, when I was busy in my office in Kathmandu, a bad news flaunted that two-thousand five hundred-years old  historical statues of Lord Buddha which were carved on the hill was destroyed with cannons on the Bamiyan hills of Afghanistan. The fame of Buddha is not only limited within the Buddhist religious sect.

The statues were in target of the Taliban for a few years before. They made holes on these statues to blast. They also pelted burning tyers on the heads of statues. Really, was a third-degree hate that was not pardonable. After the capture on Bamiyan by Taliban, most of the statues were destroyed. The statues of Buddha were the history of Afghanistan because the land was a center of Buddhism till one and half centuries ago. He is not a human being but four footed animal who does not respect his own history.

 What kind of soul was there, who dared to destroy the image of the symbol of peace. What kind of devotees were they who denied peace for their so-called almighty God? A Storm of hate runs in mind.

The land of Afghanistan was trampled by the various Empires in the past. It faced many ups and downs. Before 7th century the land was rich in Buddhist culture and preaches. Nonviolence and peace was the culture and lifestyle of the land; and the center of the Mahayana sect of Buddhism. Afghanistan was also on a trade route to central Asia through the Khyber Pass earliest times. Gandhara and Bacteria were the main towns of that area.  According to Buddhist Literature, two followers of Buddha named Tapassu and Bhallika made the first Buddhist temple, near Majar-a-sharif in 500 BCE.    

Another source cites that Buddhism arrived that land in 305 BEC later Greek Empire extended a relationship with the Maurya Empire of Patliputra. The religion was widespread south of Hind Kush Mountain. The Indo-Greek Empire was prevalent in 250 to 10 BEC. It was the time of the Kushan dynasty. In the early first century the Empire of Kanishka was speared up to the Gangetic plain. He was a disciple of Lord Buddha. He convened a grand meeting of the Mahayana sect of Buddhism. Greek Emperor of Bectira, Menander was also a devotee of Lord Buddha.  The ancient land of Afghanistan was Haven. Unfortunately how the land was turned into a land of terror and bloodshed!                            

With the realizing of past Taliban is ready to remorse or not, question is still unanswered. The second part of the coin also might be that the time would take revenge of cruelties of Taliban in the past.      















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