India China Border Dispute : Growing Strategic Tension in Asia

 Sino-India border dispute is seen on the surface but the essence is the tussle of China America battle to be a global superpower for forthcoming years.

Sino-Indian throat-cutting border tension is selecting in priority and grading at the top of the list at this time. It is looking like this issue would mark the fate of Beijing and Washington. After the confrontation in the Galway valley on 15 June of 2020, China and India again engaged in a strained position in another strategic Pangong Tso Lake of Ladakh. Large numbers of soldiers with lethal and heavy artillery, missile, tank, and fighter Jets are being posted in the border points of the strategic area by both sides. It seems that preparations for a big war are going on. It is said that clashes again between the two forces on 29 and 30 August at least 2 Indian soldiers were killed. Delhi and Beijing are accusing each other of not respecting the guidelines of mutual understanding. Indian sources said that five civilians were kidnapped by PLA on the eastern border side of Arunachal Pradesh.


Asia Boiling in Pot 


The internal unrest of Belarus is a serious point provoked by Russia and western powers not to solve the problem but to puss in the ditch. Israel, UAE, and the USA have unexpectedly formed a nexus in the Middle East to stunned the Arab lobby. Likewise, Iran and China are shaking hands to build up pressure on America. QUAD (India, Japan, Australia, and the USA) is increasing its naval strength in the Indo pacific marine sphere to prevent Chinese activities. It seems that the war could happen anytime now. The naval unrest in the South China Sea is running on at a fatal point. The picture is going to be clear that Asia is turning into the major strategic battlefield in the world. Besides all, the indication of border tension between India and China will clear the aspect of the global power equation of the future. Amidst these tensions, no one else is visible, but there is only interest between China and America to be a superpower.


The signs of Sino-Indian border tussle


The United States wants to put Beijing in trouble by provoking the ongoing disputes with China and its neighbours. India feels that defeating China by remaining in the US alliance, it can improve its position in the world and regain its diminishing influence in its neighbourhood. However, the Border issue is only a show-off because Beijing and Delhi are well known for their undefined border problems are not empty of differences, and, without amicable bilateral understanding, the quarrel will remain.


India and China both are fighting a propaganda war behind the army standoff in the border. The issue is not only of the border conflict of India and China but of obtaining the position of superpower between China and the USA. 


The possibility of war between India and China on the border is little because the ongoing tension is only a side effect of China America controversy.


In the latest days, the efforts to negotiate are seemingly centred in Moscow around the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) meet. China and India are also members of the organization.


 Indian Defense Minister Rajnath Singh and his Chinese counterpart Wei Fenghe joined in a talk on September 4, on the sideline there. India was very hopeful for this talk because Chinese defence Minister We Fenghe proposed this talk. The Chinese proposal for the meet was considered a sign of its soft stance in India but after the two-hour-long, the conversation was not on par with the Indian hope. China denied any violation from the side of the Chinese on the border and said he never left a single inch of his land. India also stood by its word. But both agreed to continue the dialogue. 


        After Moscow, Mr Singh rushed Tehran for defence-related understandings and to restore the relation with Iran. Both countries are well- known that after the signal to strengthen Sino-Iran economic ties, Indo-Iran relations came under the shadow.


 Likewise, the Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Ye will be coming back from the trip to Europe to share a meeting with his Indian counterpart S Jayashankar in Moscow by 10 September. It is not hard to understand that Russia is playing the role of mediator between the two. Beyond the deliberation of accusing statements, political level talks may be of some effect. Russia and China are mostly looking at standing as a major anti-American campaigner and India also a long runner friend of Russia, therefore Russia can't make both unhappy. Ultimately India's high-level serial talks within a short time with China in Moscow; and the sudden trip of the Indian defence Minister, against American interest, to Tehran may be the signal of some change in Delhi's American policy. If so Sino- Indian border tension may come down to cool. 




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