India in Diplomatic Trap of Washington

Delhi is in trap of dual interest, one is on behalf of the American interest and other is to protect the India and its interest in neighboring areas.

Before the coming of Bharatiya Janata Party leader Narendra Modi in power in Delhi, India was more or less balancing the relation with USA, although former government also slightly oriented to west. Modi not only limit in economic issues but also promoting the collaboration in strategic affairs with USA power block especially after the rising of Donald Trump in America. The result is that India is losing its traditional diplomatic fame in the International arena.

India is losing her long -running dependable friends. Ultimately India is going to be an American power-broker in eastern Asia. With changing of time situation India is starting to face different problems.

The policies of Trump are not seeing very effective as to be a super power of the world. He also destroyed internal or external credibility of the USA. Due to mishandling the Corona pandemic and the Killing of black George Floyd is rapidly downing his popularity in the country. In forth coming election in November this year mere a little chance is looking possible in favor of him. In this situation the torn out umbrella of Trump would save Modi from the storm?

Recently, a “bad news” came from Iran for Delhi that Tehran wants to be back itself from an agreement that was sign for Chabahar railway project with India in 2016, but it is not yet be clear what actually is going on because different types of news are coming media now. In other side, with the recent change, India is in diplomatic engage with Tehran to control the situation for its side. However, at least it is clear that the strategic rail line to link Afghanistan is started to build by Iran from its own fund. India was believed, this collaboration might be effective to stroke to back China in the area. India did not response actively to Tehran in past four years due to USA restriction on Iran. Other than this India has been a major oil importer of Iran but leave to buy from last one and half years under the pressure of the USA. 

Few days ago news disclosed in New York Times that China and Iran are ready to sign an agreement for the multi-sectors cooperation where China is going to invest billions of dollars for 25 years among the sanctions, was alarming news for the USA camp. Although, the news yet to be confirmed. India and Iran were in cozy relationship for a long time but the changing with time and international power equation, India is likely going lost a cordial friend.

India is doing hard approach to its own Muslim minority that also affecting the traditional international access. Despite the long-running dispute with Pakistan most of the Muslim countries were in friendship with India but the scene is changing now. In last April The Organization of Islamic cooperation (OIC) of 57 countries expresses deep concern following recent media accounts of rising anti-Muslim sentiments and Islamophobia within political and media circles and on mainstream and social media platforms, where Indian Muslim minority is blamed of spreading the coronavirus in the country. Likewise in NRC, CAA and Kashmir issue OIC looking standing with Pakistan is not a good message for India.

As  the largest country, India was a strong hub of South Asia but misused the position to dominate the neighboring countries. In the regime of Narendra Modi, he was looking like to promoting India China commercial relation in new height but China was not positive to India as American friend. Raising trade tension between America and China, India also included in the hit list in Beijing, that seen the result in Galwan.

   Perhaps, India still does not try to understanding that to be an Asian pole of American interest is not better than the self-interest are quite different affairs. So, Indian neighboring diplomacy is breathing under fear of China. India is feeling insecure that surrounding from all sides from China. China is also ambitious to spread in south Asia and catching the uneasy feeling of neighboring of India. Beijing is getting the easy spaces in bilateral controversies between India and other South Asian countries. India is not reviewing its policy but playing blame game its neighbors to going the side of China.       






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