Indian Traditional Policy Delays the Border Talk with Nepal

India is accusing Nepal of coming to China’s instigation on Lipulek Kalapani border dispute. This has been going on for more than four decades. This area had been considered as disputed from both sides. Now Indian hypocrisy is searching meaningless logic to postpone the talk. Reality is that India was instigated China to capture Nepal's Lipulek in 2015.

Not hands but hearts


Especially in 2015, when India imposed a blockade on Nepal, this small sovereign and economically India-dependent country was suffering in the devastator earthquake. Before this, When Nepal was on the verge of announcing its new constitution, the then foreign secretary from Delhi; S. Jaishankar came to Kathmandu to keep monarchy, Hindu state intact and to address demands of disgruntled Nepali Madheshis in the constitution. He mounted a pressure on big party leaders in Kathmandu but they rejected his reject the approach. This was the cause to anger of India.


  India was confident on its agencies report that mostly dependent Nepal would be kneel down from the affect of blocked within one week. Although, this small and Hindu populated northern Himalayan neighbor of India was incredibly stand to face blocked imposed by Delhi.


 Before this ruthless blocked of 2015, despite the many differences, Nepal had been very humbly dealing with India. But about five months long blockade shattered Nepal's the bridge of trust of India and confidence grow in Nepal that the country must be run the in any way without Indian support otherwise the problems might be repeated any time in future. Ultimately there was not an option to tilt toward another Northern neighbor China for Nepal. India did mistake to underestimate the sentiment of Nepal in the changing context of the time.

Earlier, in 1970 and 1989, India had twice imposed blockades on Nepal. Some Indian intellectuals started erroneously analyzing now that the deterioration of relations with Nepal was only after the Bharatiya Janata Party came after power and imposed a blockade of 2015, but this is coming continually long-running as India's Nepal policy. Since 2015, Nepal has been giving the message to India that it would not be tolerate unnecessary interference on Nepal and that friendship should be defined on the basis of Nepal's sovereignty.

It is possible that India will again neglect Nepal's call for talk on the recent border issue as per its traditional Nepal policy. India included Lipulek Kalapani and Limpiyadhura areas in Indian political map on last October. Nepal filed objection over that new Indian political map. India as forever tried to assure Nepal that the concern of Nepal will be solved in a bilateral talk later. India was well known about the concern of Nepal but few months later Indian defense minister inaugurate a road to Lipulek on controversial land. India was ignoring Nepal's concern as per its traditional Nepal policy. In the situation Nepal also recently include the controversial land in its map as a counter measure, because India is unilaterally using that land since 1962.

Confident of Resolving Kalapani Issue With India Through Talks ...

India was very reactive just after the publication of new map of Nepal but Nepal is looking very eager to call bilateral talk and sent propose two or more times to Delhi. India is expressing soft thought about the talk in later days. According to the Indian Nepal policy Delhi will follow the Conspiracy theory to try to break the anti-India pillars of Kathmandu regime and delay to sit fruitful talk for a long time. If India comes to the talk through the moral- pressure, it will try to center to make an emotional pressure on Nepal than the base of documents.

A large group of civilians from India recently attacked the Nepalese Armed police Forces deployed at the border and tried to snatch weapons, but the police force had not any option except firing for warning. During the firing some Indian civilian were injured. One of them died later. One arrested has been handed over to Indian security personnel. The Indian media is shouting that India Nepal open border is unilaterally closed by Nepal.


 Nepal is also fighting against the Corona outbreak. All international borders and public transportation have been closed. Some points of India Nepal borders have been carefully opened for Nepalis coming from India. In such a situation, the Armed Police Force has been deployed at the border for the purpose of stopping non-Nepalese from coming from India. This is probably this was the first Incident that an Indian has been dead at the border by Nepal.

There are many incidents of mistreatment on Nepalis at the border by the Indian Border Security Force. In 2017 the SSB had killed a Nepali youth in firing in the southwestern border of Nepal. Likewise another Nepali youth was also killed by SSB in eastern border. There have been incidents of Nepalis being arrested from Nepali land and tortured in Indian police custody. There are many evidence of SSB force's involvement in heinous acts such as the removal of original border pillars relocation to Nepal. Thousands of hectares of Nepali arable land have been inundating by the Indian side, due to constructions near the border for decades. Nepal raises the issue in every meet with India, but he is continually neglecting the issue.   What is the point of India ignoring Nepal many times? If India had shown interest in addressing the concern of Nepal on border in time, the situation today would have been better.

From the very beginning, Delhi wants to keep Nepal within the room of Indian interest. Nepal whenever it feels its sovereign position, in the mean time tensions between India and Nepal have always arisen; India has been playing the game to forming a government of its supporters by changing power equation or political system in Nepal. However, all the major parties in Nepal have become part of Indian interests in time to time, who are realizing the mistake in these days.


Before 2014, the last political change took place in Nepal, a coalition government led by the Congress party was ruling in Delhi. The Congress was not in favor of the monarchy in Nepal and had no objection for him to be secularism and ethnic and community-based identities put forwarded in Nepal by Western countries, including the United States.

Nepal was faced decade long Maoist rebel from 1996 to 2006, in this period India played a role in bringing the Maoist and democratic political forces together on the same platform against the Nepalese monarchy. At this crucial time, India has played a multi-faceted and dubious role for Nepal, which is not the subject of this article; that is why I will discuss this in another article. Due to India's dubious three-pronged role, Nepal's political stakeholders did not trust Delhi for the upcoming mediator role for a peaceful settlement in the country.

India had been pursuing three different policies to handle the King, the Democratic Party, and the rebel Maoists behind the scenes, which was a three-pronged policy of India. USA and its western allies came to Nepal on the cover of UN mediator for the process of peaceful integration of the Maoist rebel forces. However, India was not satisfied with the activities of the Western allies of the United States in Nepal under the banner of the United Nations. Because of the presence of US allies of the West in the internal management of its nearest neighboring country was a risk for India. Although, due to the growing ties between the United States and its allies with India, Delhi did not consider it a big problem to accept it.

We can say that the US policy was to make India a strong pillar to counter China's growing influence in the Asia-Pacific region. That is why American manipulation in Nepal did not make India uncomfortable. In other words, India had been intensifying its policy of micro-management in Nepal since the starting time, which has destabilized Nepal in line with Indian interests. As a whole India also was a second line partner of the process in Nepal.

During the blockade of 2015, India tried to raise the issue on the international forums, alleging that Nepal had violated human rights. Suddenly, India tried to raise the issue in the international arena for its appeasement but was unsuccessful.

India is one of the richest countries in ethnic and religious diversity of the world. There are many differences between cultural identities in India. Interesting is that India likes to interfere with the internal identity conflicts of other neighboring countries; it is like an owner of a glass house who likes to throw stones at another's house. India tried to use the dissatisfaction of the Madhesh against Kathmandu regime according to self interests but failed. While the Madhesh based political parties were in protest at the border, the blockade was suddenly lifted and they were betrayed them by India.

India provoked the Tamil minority against Colombo regime in Sri Lanka, finally sent troops to Jaffna in the name of peace. But in the end, India had to wage war against the Tamil rebels. India had sent troops for the humanitarian relief of Tamils, unfortunately, later it had turned as the supporter of Colombo. India was later to withdraw its troops from Sri Lanka. This intervention destroyed the equality- movement of the Tamils.

Once, the eminent Indian diplomat Shri J. N. Dixit had said on the civil war between the Tamil rebels and the Sri Lankan government to sending troops in the name of the Indian peacekeeping mission and returning unsuccessfully was the second diplomatic failure of Indian diplomacy after the loss of the China war in 1962.

India has been failing in its diplomacy to expand its influence by improving relations around it. India achieved the disintegrate Pakistan in 1971 and annexation Sikkim in 1975 by the mean of force and conspiracy.  India does not have a successful plan to expand its influence through good relations with it. Even now, India is one of the powerful countries of Asia, but looking like a helpless shadow of Donald Trump.

India's propaganda is so low that it has put Nepal in the category of Pakistan and China by saying that Nepal has crossed its borders. The bad intension of India exposes his argument that the Lipulek, Limpiyadhura and Kalapani belongs to India because he is assisting Nepal. India has not  to do anything in Nepal but only need to acceptance Nepal's sovereignty and integrity.


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