China India border conflict a strategic cake for Washington

As a relatively powerful country, China should be more responsible for resolve the mutual rifts of Asia. Perhaps, India and China are not serious of the forthcoming effects of their war in Asia. They should take some lessons from Afghanistan and Iraq. 


 Recently, two main events related to the border clash between India China are roaming on the surface of media. The rise of China as the second-largest economic power of the world and the growing powers of India, Japan, and South Korea are also rising as the tigers of Asia, in the context, diplomatic anxiety is running in western power camp. Overall, Asia may be developing as an unavoidable power center of the world order shortly. The possibility is provoking traditional world powers and eying especially, south and eastern Asia, as a strategic region.

Amid the border tension of China and India, Indian defense minister Rajnath Singh left on 22 June 26, 2020, for three days visit of Moscow to participate the 75th Victory Day that has been celebrating on the memory of the then USSR's victory against Nazis in the second great war of 1945. Mr. Singh not only came there to join as a guest, but he brought a contingent of the Indian Army also to symbolic participation in the Russian military parade.

 Meanwhile, the American secretary of state Mike Pompeo indicates to shift the American marine force from Europe to the south and eastern region of Asia, according to his indication, to protect India and southeastern countries from the threat of China. These two events are attracting the concentration of the world this time. Few analysts are watching at the activities as mostly centered on the border conflict between India and China in the Laddakh region.


The Indian government is internally running under the mounting Indian people’s pressure of Indo-china border conflict in Galwan Valley of Laddakh in this time, where 20 Indian soldiers were killed during an unarmed clash with China on 15 June. Beijing is not disclosed any casualty number of its soldiers’ clearly in the clash. The present Indian ruling elite has been using the populist issues to caught mass Indian sentiment. Surgical strikes in Pakistan and Hindu Muslim agendas are the major tools for this class. The casualty of soldiers is hurting the public sentiment this time. In this case, Indian people like to see proper action against China. The visit of the Indian Minister to Russia was to show that Moscow, a cordial relative of the cold war era is standing with India against China.


In this hard time, India wants an S-400 anti-missile system from Russia as soon as possible, but the delivery date is not fixed, though India already paid the most amount of money for the deal.  India wants speedily to upgrade its tactical power to counter aggressive China and to give a message that strong Russia is also anyhow standing on the side of Delhi, especially on the current issues with China and Pakistan.

After the demolition of the USSR, the power equation of the world had changed, but it is still holding strong in arms and ammunition. Even though, despite a pillar of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), India had developed a cordial partnership with USSR in the cold war period.  As a successor of the USSR, Russia not remained a leading power stakeholder in the world, especially in economic strength. India started to tilt toward the USA and its allies in later days because Russia was not in overall strength to support Indian requirements. Though, the relations between unilateral superpower USA and Russia never changed into a good relationship. Whatsoever, Russia is still one of the major countries of arms and ammunition producing in the world, and India has been one of the major consumers of the production.

To countering America, China and Russia are sharing the stage in most of the International issues at this time, and Moscow is dependent on economic support from Beijing. That is why Moscow only could suggest Beijing and Delhi to solve problems honestly on a bilateral basis. In this situation, Moscow does not take the side of anyone of India and China. It also notified indirectly to Indian defense Minister in Moscow, but on the issue of Pakistan, Russia still carefully supporting India. Washington is not happy in these types of Indian deals with Moscow but wants to use Delhi as its strong interest-pillar in the region, especially against Beijing.

After the entrance of Donald Trump in Whitehouse, the USA is losing its dominance in the world. The relations with its allies do also not remain undisputed. Traditional partner European Union and North Atlantic Treaty Organization are internally not satisfied with America’s behavior.  In anywhere of the world, the USA arrives in other bilateral disputes pretending mediation or peaceful settlement exploits the locality for a long time. It is an international policy of the USA. Iraq Afghanistan and other gulf region are the examples. Form the last decade, the United States has been watching intensively to the Indo-Pacific region because it wants to entangle China, India, Japan, and other Asiatic countries within internal tussles to back Asia.


Ultimately Washington is searching for own spaces among inter Asian contradictions. Pompeo's recent statement indication is knocking the door of the devastation of the region.


The small Himalayan country Nepal is also facing internal controversy on the American Millennium Challenge Corporation grant. The opinion is dividing that MCC is under Indo-pacific Strategy or not.

Nepal does not want participation in any military alliance as its foreign policy. When the paper signed in 2017, there was not any citation of the Indo-Pacific strategy, but later the security document of Pentagon and a few American responsible persons are speaking that the MCC grant is the part of the Indo-Pacific strategy. America has been pressuring Nepal to join this strategy, but Nepal is not ready to do so.  Though the government is saying MCC is not related to any military alliance and trying to pass the MCC bill from the parliament, a part in the ruling Communist Party also opposing and the demonstrations in streets are against the Bill. Nepal may reject the MCC deal. Nepal located in a strategic point from where the USA can tackle two Asian giants India and China.

It is the time for the rising Asian powers to save from a perilous future. They have not any option to be submissive and responsive not only for Asia but for a peaceful world. A bright future is ready to welcome all of you.






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