US China Power Conflict Weakening Asia

 If the US China conflict is only for a superpower position will weakening the world.On the name of Superpowers whatever done in the past in West Asia is very terrific.

 If the situation suddenly not changed, Asia is rising as a global power in forthcoming years because China, India, and Japan are the giants of the Asia continent. The US and its European partners are well-known that possible trilateral cooperation between these Asian powers in the coming years, might easily dominate the world. That is why the US-led European allies are actively involved to play the differences within Asia;   probably the Asian powers are unaware of that so far.

 China as a competitive power of the USA should be responsible to unite Asian powers but it is ignoring the probability. India and Japan are also fearing the autocratic political system of China and feeling easier under the umbrella of the USA. The growing economy in Asia will attracting western powers forthcoming years and their strategic playground will be a shift from southwest to south and eastern Asia. Such result will be a misfortune not only for Asia but for world.               

     In this time, China and the US are in confronting position in the South China Sea, a source said navel warships of two competitors are occasionally crossing within the distance of about 46 meters. It seems that might be a dangerous war is possible at any time in the region. China does not want to stay on the defensive position because Washington openly supports anti-Chinese democratic forces in Hong Kong and supporting to strengthening Taiwan. The USA is searching and hitting on the internal weak points of China to dominate Beijing, and wants to remove it from the race to be a global superpower to continue its position.

The USA had been working continually in the Indo-Pacific region to counter China. In this issue, India, Japan, South Korea, and Australia are the main allies of the US in the region, and other countries of here are disputing with China on the issue of the border also might in favor of US alliance.

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In the meantime, China is not only increasing its activities in the Southeastern marine area but also deploying more armed forces in the Southern border, adjoining India. India is accusing China of encroachment of the Indian land. Perhaps China is giving a symbolic warning to India, a strong pillar of US interest in South Asia. In the situation, the disputes among Asian countries is necessary to be solved for the good of Asia and the world.


  Even amid COVID 19 Pandemic between US-China also compete to be a superpower. The USA is badly affected by virus infection in the world with the pandemic up to May this year. More than 100000 Americans have died but President Donald Trump is giving priority to opening a front against China more than the control of the virus in the USA. He is accusing China about the origin of the virus. He is continuously accusing China that it was made a virus in the lab under a plot and hide proper information in time. But Trump has not presented any proper proof so far. To fact-finding of the origin of the virus and its infection is an important task for humankind but the control of infection was to be in must priority at this time.   


US President Donald Trump came about four years ago with an antagonist view of China in Whitehouse. He is continuously trying to curve China around the COVID19 Pandemic perhaps he is preparing on riding the anti-Chinese horse for the forthcoming election in November.

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Unfortunately, the Chinese presence in the US economy was in strength before Trump’s entry in power. The trade deficit of the US was rising sharply in bilateral trade with China. Trump is accusing Beijing that it is not practicing business in the right way and stealing the technology. Trump raises tariff on Chinese goods, Beijing also retaliates in the same way. He had not any other proper option to treat China as his policy. The serial of retaliation between two is going on for more than two years as the trade war. Recently the USA is stepping to close the 33 Chinese farms but the steps will give not any positive impact on the US economy.


After the coming in power of Deng Xiao Pang, closed China starts a massive reformed economy, except its dictator political character. This was a new experiment in communist ideology. It was a hybrid of communist and capitalist experiments in the ground that was in essence a downfall of communism on the view of few radical communists. The US as a superpower of the world is the exponent of democracy also has been leading the democratic camp of the world against politically dictator China. Although, the foreign policies of the USA, never based on the norms of democracy, but always on the expansionist way.


Within two decades unexpected success to develop China's economy was a big matter of concern for the US. Present ambitious Chinese leader Xi Jinping took office in Great Hall in 2013 after that He proposed a “One Belt One Road Initiative” strategy to trade link China around the world that was anxious for USA block.


 China and the USA had restarted their diplomatic relation in 1979; on that footage, they started a complex type of bilateral trade. The strict in a political system with an open economy China unexpectedly progress its economy that was about impossible elsewhere in the world. AS a large country, a large population and other easiness were helpful to establish a large amount of investment with technologies attracted to China. In this base, China built a strong production-oriented large economy of the world.


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