The Meaning Of Xi's India Visit Before Nepal

                                                                                                   by Baburam Poudyal
Chinese President Xi Jimping said during his state visit of Nepal after the sharing informal summit with Indian Priminister Narendra Modi in Mamallapuram, in India that China will also work together with Nepal to protect the environment in the Himalayan region. He also said with the stress that any effort to split China will be crushed. Analysts articulating, why president xi choose such hard words from Nepal to warn anti-Chinese external or internal forces.    

Behind the usual character of this blog, today I choose an Important contemporary diplomatic subject around the Himalaya, having a great risk of climate change. India and China are two ambitious and giant countries are located around the Himalaya. Both are rapidly involving in development activity especially on the foothill around the Himalayan range. They can play an effective role in the conservation of the environment for this region. In this way, they should mind the environmental risk of the region. Every infrastructure should be built based on environment support. Two countries must launch environment conservation big scale projects to continue their sustainable development tasks, culture, healthy life, and all over the future of the people.

 Chinese President  Xi Jimping crossed the Himalaya to visit southern neighbor India and Nepal on 11th October. This diplomatic trip of Xi was the subject of concern for heavyweight diplomatic players in the international arena. With the changing of time, Asia is rising as one of the grounds for new and old International interests. Geo-politically, South Asia, South East Asia, and Western Asia are pin grounds for interests this time. The informal meet with Xi and Indian counterpart Narendra Modi and the returning route Xi's state visit in Nepal was silently tracing a landmark of Asian diplomacy. Neither China nor India wants to provoke each other, is the present position of Undo-China relations. It is a current aspect of diplomacy in the continent.

  China is rising as the second-largest economic power of the world, whereas India is also another emerging power of Asia. The situation is standing on a point where no one can deny each other for their own progress. In the last few decades, Beijing is mostly hearing about the diplomatic stages of the world. In the context, the meeting of two summit personalities of India and China may a symbol of brightness. Because there are still running serious differences in the relation between the two countries. Although the two leaders continually in touching is the remarkable point. Before one and half years Modi and Xi's informal meet was held in Wuhan China, and now, in this second episode, Xi invited Mammallapuram of Tamil Nadu India, for the informal summit.

 The different stances on the Kashmir issue, border dispute, and trade deficit are the major problems between two are remained to unsolve till now. India also not satisfy the unilaterally growing Chinese impacts around the Indian peninsula on the name of Belt and Road Initiative( BRI) and other bilateral projects. Nobody can imagine that India and China are not discussing such kinds of problems in informal summits or in its corner though they are not disclosing any word about this except doing work together. The regular conversation between  Xi and Modi is supporting to build up personal chemistry of understanding to bridge the gap between the two countries. Ultimately, they are trying to search for a safe friendship way among some serious differences. This time Xi meets Modi first and secondly visit Nepal may also a symbol of a common understanding for the Nepal policy. Xi and Modi gave a message to work together on some issues in further days. China crossing Himalaya not only for Nepal but for joining India or South Asia as a part of BRI. China is very well-known for the actual interest of China never fulfilled in South Asia without the support of India. A picture is showing that India also more or less running around the BRI.

Xi is the most popular figure in Nepal because of China and Nepal are always in a cozy relationship than the relation of India and Nepal. He praised much time as this brotherhood relation during his Nepal visit. Nepal heartily prepared to welcome Xi in Kathmandu because Nepal was waiting for the last 23 years for such type of visit from Beijing. After the undeclared blocked imposed by India on Nepal in 2015, Kathmandu knocks the door of Beijing. Nepal wants the connectivity to across Himalaya and president Xi promised in Kathmandu to support road and railways connectivity to  China. Nepal became a strategic partner of  Beijing's flag project BRI in March 2016. Really it was an expedient step of Nepal was a paradigm shift in Nepalese diplomacy that brought Nepal as a country of land-linked from landlocked but it is limited in paper till now. Xi committed to promoting the active direction in his recent visit. After the last few years, Delhi is seemingly correcting its traditional Nepal policy. Kathmandu and Delhi are also very effectively working on the rail, waterways and oil pipeline connectivity.
In the meantime, Xi was in Kathmandu US ambassador tweeted in the social network about the nature of the Ind-Pacific Strategy because of Nepal smell it is a military alliance against China and loath to participate in it. The US doesn't want to see Nepal under the Chinese umbrella. Ambassador Berry's tweet denotes that the dissatisfaction against Kathmandu in the issue. Ultimately, Kathmandu would be at risk, if not maintained diplomatic balance with stakeholders.       


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