Page From Travel Note : Plastic Wastage: Immediate Problem Of Living Things.

Save the environment from the lethal plastic element for a safe future.

 A  few months ago I met a Denish senior couple John and Leena along with a Nepali assistant in a Bus when I was heading to Kathmandu from Pokhara. The bus was full of passengers and most of them were enjoying a Nepali audio song playing loudly in the device. Few passengers were sleeping in the sitting position as they were traveling by bus only to sleep. I felt the couple sitting before my seat was feeling some uneasy. Their Nepali assistant Kamal Lama was sitting comfortably on another seat. The bus stopped after two and a half-hour in Muglin Bazar. I met John out of the bus and asked him about his journey to Nepal and his experience in Nepal. He expressed deep concern about the issue of the environment, especially the growing plastic wastage in the urban area of Nepal. The plastic wastage was scattering around us when we were in gossip. I felt really it is a serious problem. 

According to the figures around 17 percent of the total population living in Nepal. It is not a stable figure because of the migrating rate from rural to urban is very high in later years. People are migrating for a bright or easy future. The urban population is the major source to produce plastic wastage. People are not known about the harmful nature of plastic. Municipalities and other local committees are also facing the problem to manage wastage.

Plastic is an unavoidable thing for modern life. Not only outside but inside our home plastic is not leaving us alone. we are using the various easy plastic appliance in every moment. Our kitchen pots are made of plastic are a mean of pollution in our foods.  

Before 1950 the use of plastic was on a very low scale, later the use grown faster. When producers started to package their products in plastic, the problem raises seriously in the world.most of the products used plastic cans, tubes, bottles, food wrappers, bags and various common items that are meant to be thrown away after a single-use.

Research denotes 99 percent of plastics are made from harmful chemicals derive from the natural gas coal and different types of oils. the trend is leading to a more serious problem in a further few decades. Among the total production, only nine percent of plastic remain for recyclable and 12 percent plastic wastage has been incinerated and rest is accumulated in landfill sites for an environmental problem. According to an estimate about 8 million tonnes of plastic wastage going through the rivers to floating on the world's oceans every year. Plastic pollution is turning oceans into a toxic plastic soup, in which leading to end the sea-based animals.

If we burry plastic wastage in the ground, it resists the water-absorbing capacity of the soil. If we burn wastage, it will produce poisoned smoke for health.

China, Philippine, Indonesia, Vietnam, and India are the top most mismanagers of plastic wastage in the world. About forty countries imposed band on lethal types of plastic so far. It became very late to control plastic now. when we take a step to control it to protect the future of lining things on the Earth.                    




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