
Showing posts from October, 2019

Festival And Conservation Of Environment

Hindu culture has been very conscious to conserve the environment since its early epoch. It is necessary to make it intact with the changing of time, which will command us to celebrate our festivals in an Eco-friendly way. The autumn season is a very joyous season for Hindus because of Durgapuja and Deepavali are two main festivals. Hindu rituals mainly based on agriculture. Autumn is the time of harvesting of paddy also. It is a time of richness and complacency for farmers. They worship mother Sakti a goddess of power in Durgapuja and Deepavali. Durgapuja is the festival of truth and power and Deepavali is the festival of light or knowledge. Many myths are related to these festivals. Gathering of kins, chanting prays and enjoy the various traditional recipes on the occasion is another important part of the festivals. Hindu texts paid high concerns to the conservation of the environment. We found many contexts thereof devotions to every component of Nature. According t

Page From Travel Note : Plastic Wastage: Immediate Problem Of Living Things.

Save the environment from the lethal plastic element for a safe future.  A  few months ago I met a Denish senior couple John and Leena along with a Nepali assistant in a Bus when I was heading to Kathmandu from Pokhara. The bus was full of passengers and most of them were enjoying a Nepali audio song playing loudly in the device. Few passengers were sleeping in the sitting position as they were traveling by bus only to sleep. I felt the couple sitting before my seat was feeling some uneasy. Their Nepali assistant Kamal Lama was sitting comfortably on another seat. The bus stopped after two and a half-hour in Muglin Bazar. I met John out of the bus and asked him about his journey to Nepal and his experience in Nepal. He expressed deep concern about the issue of the environment, especially the growing plastic wastage in the urban area of Nepal. The plastic wastage was scattering around us when we were in gossip. I felt really it is a serious problem.  According to the figures a

The Meaning Of Xi's India Visit Before Nepal

                                                                                                   by Baburam Poudyal Chinese President Xi Jimping said during his state visit of Nepal after the sharing informal summit with Indian Priminister Narendra Modi in Mamallapuram , in India that China will also work together with Nepal to protect the environment in the Himalayan region. He also said with the stress that any effort to split China will be crushed. Analysts articulating, why president xi choose such hard words from Nepal to warn anti-Chinese external or internal forces.     Behind the usual character of this blog, today I choose an Important contemporary diplomatic subject around the Himalaya, having a great risk of climate change. India and China are two ambitious and giant countries are located around the Himalaya. Both are rapidly involving in development activity especially on the foothill around the Himalayan range. They can play an effective role in the

The Holy Shrine Of Muktinath

  Not only the holy Muktinath but the Himalaya region is affecting global warming. A policemen in Jomsom told that the rain is falling later times in spite of snow there. Holy temple of Muktinath Last week a team headed to Muktinath, a holy place located on the lap of Himalaya in Mustang district of northern Nepal from Pokhara at 5 AM. I was also a member of that team. We stay at Jomsom that night. Jomsom is the Headquarter of the Mustang district. We arrived at Kagbeni the confluence of Sambhavi and Gandaki river, next morning for Pitri Shraddha,  ancestral worship. After the conclusion of shraddha, we start for Muktinath by our Jeep. Within 45-minute jeep arrive the foot of Mukti Parvat. We find our destination after walking half an hour to upward on the hill. The temple is located at an altitude of 3710 meters above sea level. The holy temple is also one of the 51 Shakti Peethas.    We saw remarkable numbers of male and female devotees belongs to Buddha and Hindu s