The Happening on Vedic Sarasvati

Holey Sarasvati River of Vedic age was disappeared in the post- Vedic era.

              गङ्गेच यमुने चैव गोदावरी सरस्वति । नर्मदा सिन्धु कावेरी जलेऽस्मिन् संनिधिं कुरु

 Different group of experts has different thoughts on the disappearance of Vedic Sarasvati River. Among the arguments, one of the articulations seems nearby the truth that the Vedic Sarasvati The river was dried before 4000 years ago. The cause of the phenomenon was geologic. Hindu holy epic Mahabharata also says about the dried of river Sarasvati. 

Veda, the holey text of the Hindus cites the repeatedly the names of seven rivers as Sapta Sindava, now a day’s known as the Sindh or Indus. River Sapta Sindhava had its seven tributaries, but it is not clear that the Sarasvati was also the tributary of Sapta Sindhava or not. Doubtlessly, the Sarasvati River was a famous river in the Vedic region. The Zarathustrian text Avesta also tells about the river as Hepta Hindu. However, among the seven names, one name is not cleared. Except for sarasvati; Sahutudri, Iravati, Ashikni, Vitasta, Vipasha were the main tributaries of Sapta Shindhava. These are Sutlej, Ravi, Chenab, Jhelum, and Beas respectively known this time. There is an articulation that the unclear name was River Kubha. Waters are deified as the deities and worship them and chanted hymns in Nadisukta (10: 75) of Veda.But the river Sarasvati is the mostly quoted river in the Rig Veda than other rivers. Various myths, related to the Sarasvati are cited in other Hindu religious texts.
  The land of Vedic culture was located on modern Pakistan and northern India. The land of Spta Shindhava was fertile for agriculture animal husbandry.  Aryan a barbaric tribe arrived here from Minor Asia about 2000 BC, some Indian historians remarking the time as 7000BC.  Before the arrival of them, a civilization was flowering in the region. The evidence of Indus valley civilization was flowering in its climax in 3300- 1900 BC, is the proof of the fact. Probably, the civilization was of Dravidian and other early communities of the people. After the settlement of Aryans, the land was known as the Aryavarta.

There are different articulations about the location of the River Sarasvati, one of the most chanted rivers in the Vedas, is in confusion on its right existence also. Rig-Veda indicates the river was located west from the Yamuna and east from the Sutlej. Now a day, river Alakhnanda has a tributary name Sarasvati originates from Aravali Mountain near the Badarinath. The status given in the Veda might not be the tributary Sarasvati.

 Probably the Vedic Sarasvati was originated from the Himalayan glaciers and before submerging in Arabian Sea in Run of Kutch, cross the desert of Thar. Holey River Sarasvati was ever filled with water. The land around the river was covered with greenery and people or animals were depending on the Sarasvati, so she dignified as a mother of living things. Sarasvati was the chief and the purest river flowing mountain to Ocen.

Different level of Indian governments has been trying to find out the mystery of Sarasvati since the eighties. Technically they investigated and articulate the river was dried up 3000 to 4000 years ago. Satellite images confirm the river was 3 to 12 km wide and 16000 km long flowed out of the Himalayas.
The Indus region is also the prone area of geologic tumult. The tussle between Indian and Eurasian plates is the main cause of the earthquake in the region. It may be the main cause for the disappearance of glorious Sarasvati River in post-Vedic age.   


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