climate change : problems in sea

Global warming is not only hitting the climate-related system in the land but also affecting the natural activities in the sea. Generally, ice and snow lands are feeding water to rivers and rivers are feeding sea through a gentle process but this natural order is in risk since last few decades. The natural order is changing into a disorder year by year.         

The snow and ice lands of the world are the sites of natural water reservoirs to balance the water cycle in the Earth. North and south polar regions are the rich of ice, beside them, snow-covered high lands are also playing an unavoidable role for creatures and plant kingdoms in the Earth.

 Perhaps, the rotation of the water cycle has been running eternally since the genesis epoch on the Earth. Human being also came into existence in the earth, after the starting of this mysterious natural phenomena and developed human civilizations around of rivers.

 The civilization of Egypt was settled on the bank of the Nile river and emerged about two thousand years ago than the golden era of ancient Athens. Euphrates and Tigress rivers gifted a human civilization as Mesopotamia. Likewise, Indus and Gangs rivers were the basement of civilizations in the Indian Peninsula. These are a few examples in the context. In this progress, there was an important role in the natural water cycle where human started the season friendly cultivation. All of the human activities or lifestyle mostly developing as the guideline of water-related weather.

   Who was the founder of this ambitious plan of the water cycle and who the creator of that contain was? This is absolutely a philosophical question that will be discussed in our other post. However,  in this context, it is necessary to accept nature as a power that running inexhaustibly under certain rules.

 Snow-lands are losing the capacity to store water as snow and ice due to raising the global temperature. According to a research, in the total expansion of seawater, 42 percent share was of thermal expansion and 36 percent ice or snow melting from different part of the earth and 8 percent was of climate during 1993- 2018.

Raising temperature is affecting the habitat of spices in the sea. Few of them are at risk. Likewise, temperature supports to create vapor that is the cause of heavy rain in the land that is related to flood, soil erosion, landslide. Tsunamis and other types of sea-storms are damaging human infrastructures in coastal countries and islands par year.

Islands with low height in the sea are facing the risk of losing their existence, Kiribati, Tuvalu, Maldives, and Marshall Island are the examples. 



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