
Showing posts from October, 2020

Taliban: The Time is Taking Revenge for Cruelties of Their Past?

  Buddhism is the glorious history of Afghanistan and the hybrid thought of regressive religious dogmatism and the intervention of superpowers is the bloody present of that land. Perhaps they are still not easily ready to remind the glorious past of peaceful land.    After a long time of bloodshed in Afghanistan, the Kabul government and rebel Taliban are sitting in a negotiation talk for peaceful settlement in Doha from 12 September. How the USSR and USA did used them as chessmen to destroy the future of their Motherland? Are they really trying to repent of the violent past or still playing the role of chessmen of the USA in Doha? During the talks in Doha Taliban has killed more than 30 security personnel in confrontation and a day after the incident 65 Taliban fighters have been killed in a retaliatory action of Afghan security forces. Rebels who were freed from the jails as a precondition of the ongoing talk were mostly involved in the attack. Probably, Taliban is probabl