
Showing posts from July, 2020

India in Diplomatic Trap of Washington

Delhi is in trap of dual interest, one is on behalf of the American interest and other is to protect the India and its interest in neighboring areas. Before the coming of Bharatiya Janata Party leader Narendra Modi in power in Delhi, India was more or less balancing the relation with USA, although former government also slightly oriented to west. Modi not only limit in economic issues but also promoting the collaboration in strategic affairs with USA power block especially after the rising of Donald Trump in America. The result is that India is losing its traditional diplomatic fame in the International arena. India is losing her long -running dependable friends. Ultimately India is going to be an American power-broker in eastern Asia. With changing of time situation India is starting to face different problems. The policies of Trump are not seeing very effective as to be a super power of the world. He also destroyed internal or external credibility of the USA. Due to mishandl