
Showing posts from June, 2021

Increasing Activism of other Powerful Nations against Beijing

The Brussels meeting of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, NATO , on July 14, accused China of its "systematic aggression", just one day after the G7 summit that also concluded with a hard-looking approach to China. As usual, Beijing denied the NATO accusation and said that the security system in China is only based on defensive use. An articulation was there that the US-China tussle would not be on the edge but would stay at the soft point in the post Trump era, but the situation was seemingly going against us. It shows that the forthcoming future of the world will not be free from a power confrontation between America and China. The 47th G7 summit concluded in the heavenly place of Cornwall, Britain, on 13 June. The leaders of the United States of America, Canada, Germany, France, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom, and the European Union leaders attended the summit. The leaders of Australia, India, South Korea and South Africa were invited to the summit. The summ

Chinese Tentacle Wining the Vaccine Diplomacy

    With vaccine diplomacy , India hoped to improve relationships on its peninsula. In South Asia, India and Nepal are the hotspots of the second wave of this Pandemic. Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Sri Lanka are also running toward the worst point. Bhutan is looking for success in controlling a single death so far. India has more than three and a half million deaths recorded, Pakistan crossed 21 thousand, Bangladesh crossed 12.5 thousand and Nepal crossed 8 thousand so far. India, Nepal, Pakistan and Bangladesh are facing massive pressure for the vaccine this time. Recently, Pakistan started manufacturing the vaccine "PakVac" with the assistance of China’s CanSinoBio. India is the largest country among its neighbouring countries in South Asia. The relationship between Delhi and its neighbour does not always follow a straight line, but rather has ups and downs. It had a strong dominance over them, but geopolitical norms have slowly shifted against Indian interests