
Showing posts from September, 2020

Afghan Peace Talks: Plan to Install Western-obedient Taliban in Kabul!

By holding talks with the Afghan government and the Taliban in Doha and establishing Israel's influence regionally, the US is restructuring its influence in West Asia.                    Sometimes time also plays a sharp sarcasm. The February agreement of the US and Taliban and recent peace talks on Afghanistan in Doha of Qatar are the exact examples for that. About six months ago USA and Taliban signed an agreement, after the same, recently Afghan government-Taliban peace-talks were begun again in Doha. Talks are supposed to in March but were not successful because of continued attack of the Taliban on Afghan forces made it delay. Taliban set conditions to free their detainees in Afghan prisons; the  government and Taliban were   in differences about numbers to release their detainees from the detentions. Taliban demanded it as the precondition of talks. Ultimately, the obstacle was clear for a talk when a brief ceasefire and about 5000 Taliban detainees freed from Afghan J